Tea, crochet classes and sympathy
If I were a Whitehall mandarin, I would consider how to deal with the unpleasant and inconvenient issue of ‘victims’ of the Troubles.
First rule of the Civil Service-do nothing and deny everything.
Second rule, if that doesn’t work-obfuscate
Third rule-promise something you know that you will never deliver.
Enter, stage left the “Victims Groups”.
Made up , sadly, of those who have survived attacks, been injured or bereaved.
Peace I-IV has brought these groups largesse.
The deal is that the money must be spent in a way that does not discommode the State. So no communists, revolutionaries or allegations of collusion. It’s OK to demand , ridiculously , that Joe O’Bloggs is extradited, even though there is no law to make it happen. It’s all welcome [for the Mandarin] bromide for the masses.
If an individual does point out the uselessness and absurdity of the ‘demands’ by these groups , someone , like Stephen Gault or Willie Frazer will stand up and accuse you of being a “Lundy”. Victims both themselves but also dupes.
Until the PUL community recognise Peace Money for what it is- a bribe to adhere to the GFA, then they will be royally fucked over by the State.
I can’t put it better than that.
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